Keys to Success: Julian

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Julian joined our Keys to Success Program in March 2022. At this point he had just completed his GED and was already on the right path, he just needed some guidance.

Finding His Path

Julian wanted a career in pipe welding, so he worked with his Keys team on career exploration and a career/job pathway and he enrolled in the Welding Program at his local community college. His Keys team informed him about his financial options and helped him to complete his FAFSA application and to apply for the Champion Scholarship.

While Julian was deciding on his career path, he was working full time at a local car wash. His hard work paid off when he received a promotion to assistant manager. To help him manage his money, Julian enrolled in the Keys to Financial Success course, a financial literacy course that teaches money management skills to young people transitioning from foster care to adulthood. Youth who take the course are also eligible to earn a matched savings account, to which Julian has already saved $1,000!

Julian is now working on his Welding Certificate. He plans to continue his education by taking advantage of the foster care scholarship at Grand Canyon University.

Helping Them Succeed

Youth in foster care do not have the same access to resources as their peers do. Our Keys to Success program gives youth in foster care the resources that they need to succeed. You can help young people in our Keys to Success program, like Julian, by making a contribution to Arizona Friends of Foster Children Foundation. Individuals can contribute up to $500 and joint filers can contribute up to $1,000 and receive a dollar-for-dollar credit on their Arizona state taxes. Give today at